NJDEP Releases Newest Plastic Bag Ban Law FAQs

NJDEP Releases Newest Plastic Bag Ban Law FAQs

NJDEP Releases Newest Plastic Bag Ban Law FAQs Morris County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC)


NJDEP Releases Newest Plastic Bag Ban Law


The NJ Department of Environmental Protection just released additional FAQs on the new Plastic Bag Ban Law. This latest round of FAQs addresses various issues such as curbside pickup/home delivery services, prepared food, straws and an explanation for some exemptions. This builds on the latest round of questions businesses have sought answers from NJDEP on the implementation process and eCommerce delivery.

The NJDEP Get Past Plastic website that hosts this information is available here. Once on the website scroll down to the “Frequently Asked Questions” section. You must click the various question sections listed 1-through-5 to find the new answers starting at Section (1.20). Upon clicking a question section, you will see the latest questions bolded with “New” listed to the right of the question.

We are two weeks away from implementation so please continue to check out the resources on the websites below:

If your organizations have any questions, you can refer them to NJBAC’s www.business.nj.gov “Live Chat” and 1-800-JERSEY-7, Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm.

Article Courtesy of the New Jersey Business Action Center.
