Commercial Real Estate Committee & MCEDC General Membership Meeting
Join the Morris County Chamber of Commerce’s Commercial Real Estate Committee and the Morris County Economic Development for a Joint Committee and MCEDC General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, June 6th, at 9 AM at the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, 325 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 101, Florham Park, NJ, 07932. Doors will open at 8:45 AM with a light breakfast with the program starting at 9 AM. This event is complimentary for Chamber and EDC Partners (Members).
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This Month’s Program is “Building Community – Imagining It.”
About The Program
The physical space of our communities represents who and how we are as communities of people. What we value, what we represent, our cultures, and belief systems. Please join us for the interactive discussion lead by placemaking subject expert and town planner, Phil Abramson on how his firm Topology thinks about and presents such matters into one common theme for the communities in which they work.
About Our Presenter
Topology is a real estate consulting firm providing a full range of services in planning, development, and project management. With a focus on urban areas and downtowns, clients include for-profit and non-profit developers, municipalities, redevelopment agencies, public authorities, and business improvement district entities. Topology uses a team approach to develop integrated real estate solutions that create value and activate places. As strategists and design thinkers, we endeavor to be creative and collaborative to achieve triple bottom line project goals and objectives. Through the firm’s civic-engagement approach, Topology discovers informed place-based, human-centered strategies that foster the creation of sustainable planning, development, and policy solutions.
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