U.S. Census Bureau Releases Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Statistics The U.S. Census Bureau’s schedule for the release of the 2021 Income, Poverty and Health Insurance statistics from…
read moreNJEDA TO EXPAND ELECTRIC VEHICLE VOUCHER PROGRAM STATEWIDE The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) announced the expansion of the New Jersey Zero Emission Incentive Program (NJ ZIP) to support businesses and…
read moreA State’s Median Age Does Not Tell The Whole Story Census Bureau Visualization Shows Broad Variations in Age Structure By State and County Florida’s median age in 2021…
read moreMorris Museum Receives Pandemic Recovery and Preservation Grants $186,939 Historic Preservation Grant & $15,000 Pandemic Grant The Morris Museum was handed a $15,000 check today by the Morris County…
read moreMorris County Approves 30 Historic Preservation Grants Five First-Time Projects Included Among $2.65 Million in Awards The Morris County Board of County Commissioners approved $2.65 million in grants…
read moreHundreds Visit “The Moving Wall” Before Opening Ceremony Traveling Tribute to Vietnam Veterans on Display Until Monday Hundreds of residents from Morris County and beyond had already visited “The Moving Wall” Vietnam Veterans Memorial by the…
read moreNew Funding Opportunity From NIH The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recently released a new funding opportunity for biotech companies and university researchers! The new Small Business Transition Grant funds the translation of…
read moreThe Employment Situation – June 2022 Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 372,000 in June, and the unemployment rate remained at 3.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor…
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